Don Gorvett is an artist and master printmaker who is known for his large color woodcuts of coastal Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and southern Maine.
Gorvett is a graduate of the School of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA. and has served, for many years, as a board member for the Boston Printmakers. Additionally, he has received an Honorary Lifetime Achievement Award in the Arts from Salem State University in Salem, MA.
Gorvett has led workshops & lectured on the Reduction Woodcut process at Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME; Fitchburg Art Museum, Fitchburg, MA; Salem State College, Salem, MA; University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH, and others. He is also a member of the Ogunquit Art Association.
More Information About Artist + Printmaker Don Gorvett
Don Gorvett woodcuts are in the permanent collections at public and private institutions, including the Addison Gallery of American Art at Phillips Academy, Andover, MA, Boston Athenaeum, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Boston, MA, Currier Museum of Art, Manchester, NH, Farnsworth Art Museum, Rockport, ME, Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK, Harvard University, Boston MA, Museum of Fine Art, Boston, MA, Ogunquit Museum of American Art, Ogunquit, ME, Peabody Essex Museum, Salem, MA, Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME, Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, MA, and Worcester Art Museum, Worcester, MA.
“One can only marvel at the delicate artistry, disciplined craftsmanship, and sheer physicality inherent in the beautiful reduction woodcuts of artist, Don Gorvett. Possessing a draftsmen’s sensibilities for the beauty of the drawn line – thick to thin, straight and curving, bold and subtle – the printmaker fashions compositions rich with movement and texture. With a painters eye for color, Gorvett produces print with elegant and evocative tonal harmonies not usually associated with woodcuts. And, with a sculptor’s sense of light, he creates dramatic contrast between color and carved hard-edge, giving great solidity to both form and space. What emerges are masterful woodcuts containing images of such power and grace that they place Gorvett among today’s most accomplished regional printmakers.”
— Dr. Michael Culver, Past Executive Director of the Ogunquit Museum of American Art, Past Executive Director of the Baker Museum, Naples, Fld., and currently an independent curator.
View A Video About Don Gorvett Working In Perkins Cove – Moonlight Drawbridge
Photos of Select Work by Don Gorvett
Don Gorvett | 2019, Goodnight Ogunquit | Reduction Woodcut, Edition 27 | Size 24” x 31” Don Gorvett | Moonlight Drawbridge | Reduction Woodcut, Edition 25 | Size 23″ x 34.5” Don Gorvett | Red Sky at Night, Sailors Delight | Reduction Woodcut, Edition 30 | Size 19” x 28” Don Gorvett | Taut Line in a Moonlight Drift | Reduction Woodcut, Edition 18 | Size 16.5″ x 25.5 Don Gorvett | Woodbury Studio From The Marginal Way
Where To View + Purchase Work By Don Gorvett
The Don Gorvett Gallery in Portsmouth, NH, and Gloucester, MA, are open year-round, seven days a week by chance and appointment. We require visitors to wear masks and use hand sanitizer. We admit a few people at a time into the galleries. For more information about the work of Don Gorvett, gallery visits, or information about our popular pre-publish price program for woodcuts, please contact us at vivienne@dongorvettgallery.com or 603-436-7278.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire | Don Gorvett Gallery Portsmouth
Gloucester, Massachusetts | Don Gorvett Gallery and Studio Gloucester
Social Media Links + Contact Info For Don Gorvett
Don Gorvett | Artist, Printmaker
Phone: 603-436-7278
Email: vivienne@dongorvettgallery.com
Website: dongorvettgallery.com